Friday, June 25, 2010

Labatt Blue Must Have a High Alcohol Content

Today's destination: Dawson Creek - Mile 0 of the Alaska Highway. For all of those Pacey fans out there....I am still on the look out and hoping for a sighting soon. :) On our journey today, we hit mile 1000 of our trip thus far. WOOT WOOT!

We are staying at the Mile 0 RV Park this evening - though it is actually at Mile Point 1.5. I think it's worth a discount at least. :)

KC and I decided to enjoy one of the only rain-free nights since we started, and we went out on the town. After cruising down the main street, we almost gave up when we saw it. A big, fabulous, Swiss Chateau type building reminiscent of the Matterhorn at Disneyland. Aptly named, Flanygans. :)

A couple games of pool and a few pints of Labatt Blue later, KC is thankful that I am the designated driver this evening. We think Canada beer might be a little stronger than the beer we normally drink?

Tomorrow we are staying at a golf course / RV park about 10 miles up the highway. Looking forward to our 11:30am tee-time. Wish you all were here!



  1. Love the blog! Glad you two are having fun! :)

  2. Hi KC and Jen,
    Sounds like you are having a wonderful time. How are the dogs handling the trip? Now that you are in Alaska give us a call when you have reception.
    Love, Mom

  3. Hi,
    I just went on line and realize you are still in canada. So much for milepost o. I need a good map to follow your route.
    Love, Mom

  4. Hi you two!! David and I are getting ready to head up to Anchorage in a few days (leaving Thursday night). I'll text you when we're there so we can meet up! I miss my second Jen.
